Our Foundation...
Our foundation is the Holy Bible, our reference of faith and practice, for it is the inerrant Word of God that shows us to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We believe in his doctrines source of life, lamp to our feet and light to our path.
Our Statement of Purpose...
Our Statement of Purpose
Worship - Evangelize - Discipleship - Caring. The Responsibility is mine!
The mission of the Assembly of God - Ministry of Belem - USA is to share the Gospel of our Lord Jesus with each person until the ends of the earth, bringing them the joy of salvation and hope of future glory. Forming disciples of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit of God to build happy lives, healthy families and a better community, until the Lord comes for His Church.
The Lord Jesus Christ cares about you.
Our Statement of Purpose...
We see a time of opportunity everywhere and sphere to implant the Christian worldview and expand the Kingdom of God among men. We also realize that this is the time of a great harvest and a great revival because of the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ for each of us.
Our Biblical Philosophy of life...
Is focused on improving daily the quality of Christians we are to serve each person in their integral being - spiritual, physical and social, through a dedicated devotional life, for all are the target of God's great love.
Our main strategy is...
To enable each member of the Bethlehem Ministry for Christian Maturity to exercise their spiritual vocation through their professional vocation.
Our Belief
In one God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
(Dt 6.4; Mt falling within heading No 28.19 ; Mc 12.29 )
In verbal inspiration of the Bible as the only infallible rule of faith normative for the life and Christian character.
(2 Tm 3.14 -17)
The virginal conception of Jesus, in his vicarious death and expiating, in his bodily resurrection from the dead and his ascension victorious to the skies.
(S 7.14; Rm 8.34 and At 1.9)
The sinfulness of man that the deposed of the Glory of God, and that only the repentance and faith in the work an atoning and redeeming of Jesus Christ is that you can restore it to God.
(Rm 3.23 and At 3.19)
The absolute necessity of the new birth through faith in Christ and by active power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, to become a man worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.
(Jo 3.3 -8)
In the forgiveness of sins, salvation present and perfect and eternal justification of soul, received free of God by faith in the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ on our behalf.
(Acts 10.43 ; Rm 10.13; 3.24 -26 and Hb 7.25; 5.9)
In biblical baptism performed by immersion of the whole body once in water, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as it was determined the Lord Jesus Christ. (Mt 28.19 ; Rm 6.1 -6 and Cl 2.12)
The need and the possibility that we need to live holy life through the work an atoning and redeeming of Jesus Christ on Calvary, through the re-generator power , inspiring and sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, who enables us to live as faithful witnesses to the power of Christ. (Hb 9.14 and I Peter 1.15 )
In biblical baptism in Holy Spirit who is given to us by God through the action of Christ, with the physical evidence of speaking in other languages, according to his will.
(Acts 1.5; 2.4; 10.44 -46; 19.1 -7)
In today's world of spiritual gifts distributed by the Holy Spirit to the Church for its edification, according to His sovereign will. (1 Co 12.1 -12)
In Second Coming pre-Millennial of Christ, in two distinct phases. First - invisible to the World, to snatch His Church faithful of the Land, before the Great Tribulation; second - visible and body, with Its Church glorified, to reign over the World for a thousand years.
(1 Ts 4.16 . 17; 1 Co 15.51 53-54; Ap 20.4 ; Zc 14.5 and Jd 14)
That all Christians will appear before the judgment seat of Christ, to receive reward for their deeds in favor of the cause of Christ on earth. (2 Co 5.10)
In judgment to come to reward the faithful and condemn the unbelievers. (Ap 20.11 -15)
And the eternal life of joy and happiness for the faithful, and sadness and torment to the infidels. (Mt 25.46 )